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Silvio Rodríguez


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Poesía y Música con Silvio Rodriguez y Roberto Fernández Retamar

El célebre trovador cubano Silvio Rodríguez ofrecerá sus canciones y estará acompañado del maestro Roberto Fernández Retamar (Presidente de La Casa de las Américas en Cuba).

Silvio Rodríguez Domínguez nació en San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba, en 1946. Es trovador y dibujante, leyenda viva de la música latinoamericana. Reside en La Habana desde 1952. Comenzó a tocar el piano en1955, para 1961 se había convertido en alfabetizador. Un año más tarde se inició como dibujante en el semanario Mella. Ya en 1963 matriculó en la Academia de Artes Plásticas San Alejandro, y de 1964 a 1967, mientras transcurría su servicio militar, comenzó a tocar guitarra y a componer canciones.

En 1967 debutó en la televisión y participó con los poetas de El Caimán Barbudo en un recital de homenaje a Teresita Fernández. En 1968, en Casa de las Américas, cantó en el concierto considerado como el origen de la Nueva Trova, movimiento del que es considerado uno de los máximos exponentes. En 1970 fue uno de los fundadores del Grupo de Experimentación Sonora del ICAIC. En 1976, durante la guerra, viajó dos veces a Angola y recorrió los frentes cantando a las tropas cubanas y angoleñas.

Silvio ha logrado crear una amplia discografía. Ha compuesto música y letra de más de 800 canciones y musicalizado filmes, videos y series de televisión y ha actuado en numerosos países. Le han sido otorgados importantes premios y condecoraciones. Entre 1990 y 1992 impulsó la creación de los estudios de grabación Abdala, Ojalá y Eusebio Delfín.
Ha recibido numerosos reconocimientos, entre ellos: Premio Nacional de Música; Premio Latino por toda una vida de la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias de la Música de España; Doctor Honoris Causa de la Universidad Mayor de San Marcos de Lima, Perú -la más antigua de América-. En 2008, con un grupo de artistas y escritores cubanos, recorrió 16 prisiones, actuando ante más de 40,000 reclusos.

Por su parte, Roberto Fernández Retamar es poeta y ensayista, doctor en Filosofía y Letras en la Universidad de La Habana (1954) que además realizó estudios de posgrado en las Universidades de París (1955-1956) y Londres (1956). En su país es doctor en Ciencias Filológicas (desde 1981) e investigador titular (desde 1982).

Desde 1951 colaboró en la revista Orígenes. Fue director de la Nueva Revista Cubana (1959-1960), consejero cultural de Cuba en Francia (1960) y secretario de la Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (1961-1964), donde fundó la revista Unión. En 1965 empezó a dirigir la revista que es órgano de la Casa de la Américas, institución que además preside desde 1986. Es director de la Academia Cubana de la Lengua y miembro correspondiente de la Real Academia Española.

De su poesía destacan, entre muchos más, títulos como Elegía como un himno, Patrias, Historia antigua (1965), Circunstancia de poesía, Juana y otros poemas personales, Hacia la nueva y Aquí. Entre sus libros de estudios o ensayos se encuentran La poesía contemporánea en Cuba (1927-1953),  Entrevisto, «Nuestra América»: cien años y otros acercamientos a Martí, En la España de la eñe y Pensamiento de nuestra América: autorreflexiones y propuestas. Es Doctor Honoris Causa de las Universidades de Sofía y Buenos Aires.

Con ellos viene además el guitarrista del trío Trovarroco, Rachíd López. Destacado músicos, no es extraño para el público mexicano. En 1998 realizó su primera gira por nuestro país acompañando al trovador Vincente Feliú. En Marzo del 2000 vino por segunda ocasión, ahora con los trovadores Pedro Guerra y Alejandro Filio de México.

Juntos, Silvio Rodríguez y Roberto Fernández Retamar ofrecerán una noche de música y poesía, en el Auditorio Nacional.


Rating: 4.9 out of 5 based on 63 reviews
  • Rating: 2 out of 5

    Bueno, excepto por los fans imbeciles

    by PRJose on 6/24/10Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre - Orlando

    Silvio was unforgettable but you could tell he was exerting an immense self-control with the imbecilic crowds that were given access to the central-front part of the Center. They constantly screamed at each pause in the song, asking for a specific song and many times interrupting outright a song., Silvio on several occasions had to add extra metres to a song just to allow for idiots like these to vent their raucous joy. Needless to say, if one cannot enjoy Silvio in such an intimate arena as the Bob Carr Performing Arts Center, there is NO PLACE to do so. A true pity for fans of the homo sapiens variety.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5


    by Stevecontractor on 6/24/10Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre - Orlando

    Great singer, very appreciative of his fans. We loved it, everybody was crazy

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    Silvio Rodriguez was amazing!

    by Brida98 on 6/24/10Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre - Orlando

    Silvio Rodriguez presentation was amazing. One more time he demonstrated that he is one of the best singer and compositor in the Cuban music history.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    by Dellazene on 6/23/10Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk - Universal City

    Great live performer! The venue was great too - the only thing is that the sound could have a bit louder. He was worth it!

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    by Anonymous on 6/21/10Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk - Universal City

    Fantastic show.................................................

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    Silvio was awesome

    by redlove14 on 6/21/10Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk - Universal City

    My wife and I really enjoyed the show. The Acoustics, the overall sound, and group of people who attended were awesome. My wife and I paid extra money to get front row seats (it was our one and only gift that we afforded this year) and was well worth it. We were just captivated by Silvio and being so close to him only increased this sense of being hypnotized. Lastly, Silvio brings a distinct group of people together, who are conscience of the world, their communities, and love and it was really cool being in that type of environment.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    Silvio Rodriguez

    by Clarodeluna on 6/21/10Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk - Universal City

    Silvio continues to be absolutely amazing. I have waited 25 years for this concert and the wait was worthwhile......I deeply love Silvio and what he represents.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    Silvio is a living legend

    by EARB on 6/20/10Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk - Universal City

    Seeing Silvio Rodriguez perform live it was truly one of the greatest experiences of my life. The man is such a poet and great singer, but at the same time so simple, t-shirt and jeans type of man. The concert felt like when a group of friends hang out together and make some good music happen. The group of musicians that acted as his band are simply amazing.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    by Anonymous on 6/19/10Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk - Universal City

    Silvio is AMAZING!!! His lyrics are poetic and beautiful!

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    Silvio simple the best

    by usuluteco on 6/19/10Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk - Universal City

    Amazing voice! Great concert and spectacular guitar player.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    by tcla on 6/19/10Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk - Universal City

    The concert was excellent!! It was an unforgettable experience to finally get the chance to see Silvio Rodriguez and hear his music live.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    Sublime Silvio

    by cocho on 6/19/10Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk - Universal City

    I cannot recall another concert where I was on the verge of tears. Silvio Rodriguez, the Cuban Trova, singer is nothing less than a genius -- a truly gifted lyricist and musician who should be considered among the most brilliant songwriters of his, or any, generation. Mr. Rodriguez brought to the stage the verve, mastery and presence of a master performer and his accompanying musicians were absolutely brilliant. It was a rare concert, one that comes along only on the rarest of occasions. I will truly remember this one with great joy.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    Silvio unforgettable

    by FMVMAM on 6/19/10Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk - Universal City

    Silvio was amazing. It was well worth the 30 year wait to see him perform live.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    Silvio Recital

    by atlantica on 6/18/10Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk - Universal City

    Silvio Rodriguez was excellent !!!! as usual. The public too noisy.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5


    by JIMMYPERU on 6/18/10Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk - Universal City


  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    Silvio Rodriguez was superb

    by Jonnhy on 6/18/10Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk - Universal City

    The concert was sober and straight forward. Silvio Rodriguez and his band were through and through professionals. The music was first rate and the songs as performed by Mr. Rodriguez were amazing. At 64, Mr. Rodriguez retains that rare quality lacking in many performers half his age, he can sing, plays his guitar well, and injects belief and passion to the lyrics that rain on the audience with a freshness one cannot easily find. As I walked out of the concert, I pondered why our government prevented our people from having access to artists of Mr. Rodriguez caliber. Culture should forever remain beyond the reach and manipulation of governments who all the while claim to be the eternal guardians of freedom and democracy. Let's bring Silvio and his band back to Los Angeles.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5


    by Monicita123 on 6/18/10Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk - Universal City

    Great show, the lirics are poetry, the music unique. Hope to have it back soon!

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    by busysweetcupcake on 6/18/10Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk - Universal City

    It was amazing!!! he is unlike any other singer...I hope he comes back soon.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    An amazing night

    by Inaluna on 6/18/10Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk - Universal City

    30 years of waiting and finally Silvio was here! His voice was incredible and it was a memorable night. I hope he comes back soon because the show was amazing.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    Silvio Rodriguez was the best concert ever!

    by yuyitoinla on 6/18/10Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal CityWalk - Universal City

    3 hours of his music felt like 10 minutes. This is a one in a lifetime experience.