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Peter Bjorn and John


Peter Bjorn and John Tickets

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Rating: 4.6 out of 5 based on 75 reviews

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Rating: 4.6 out of 5 based on 75 reviews
  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    by jackssrabbit on 9/28/16Royale Boston - Boston

    Excellent concert. Great venue. Back up band, City of The Sun, was really great as well

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    by Anonymous on 1/13/12Bowery Ballroom - New York City

    I knew I liked Peter Bjorn and John alot because their music is great, but now I LOVE them! It was such an amazing show, very possibly the best I've ever been too! I can't wait to see them again. This one is a don't miss for sure!

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    PB&J always rock it!

    by ChristinalovesPyrexinSD on 10/7/11El Rey Theatre - Los Angeles

    Best band I've ever seen live. This is the 3rd time, and I would see them again and again whenever they come into town.

  • Rating: 3 out of 5

    Opening acts were terrible

    by pirate1278 on 10/7/11El Rey Theatre - Los Angeles

    The first act was an hour late. The two opening bands were so bad and played for so long we almost left before PB&J went on. FInally PB&J came on and of course they were amazing!

  • Rating: 5 out of 5


    by superdude28 on 10/7/11El Rey Theatre - Los Angeles

    one of the best shows ive ever seen, during Young Folks, Peter jumped off stage and ran through the audience singing stopping right in front of me and my girlfriend, it was sick dude. Im a big big fan but this was my first show of theirs and now I will always try and see them when they're in LA cause they were that good.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    love love love

    by Anonymous on 9/28/11Trocadero - Philadelphia

    Absolutely incredible. if you don't believe me you'll just have to go yourself.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    PB&J...mmmm, yummy

    by Plosiveness on 9/21/11Bowery Ballroom - New York

    This was my second time seeing the band this year. What made this time even better than the first is the song selection. It wasn't just heavily based on their recent release "Gimme Some", which is a nice album by the way. I was surprised to hear them play not one, not two, but THREE songs from their album "Falling Out". I almost died when I heard the opening riff for "Teen Love". I had the privilege of meeting them at the first show that I saw them at back in March. It is ridiculous how nice they are to fans -- it's pretty scary 0.o They definitely possess that quality on stage. What makes them great performers is that they engage with the audience, whether it is making us add in "lalala's" and "whoa-oh's" or even coming through the crowd singing and dancing with the concertgoers, like Peter did. They even made a shout out to a young man standing at the front of the stage who came to all of their New York shows. I thought that was adorable =) They really do know how to put on a good show. The level of energy that they exert is crazy! Moving around that stage, banging away on the drums - it's nuts, and provides for great entertainment. In other words, they enjoy what they do and want to make sure that you enjoy yourself too. I highly recommend that you go see them -- I know I will the next time they come to New York. Even if you just go into their concert and the only knowledge you have of them is they're those "Swedish dudes with that whistling song", you'll enjoy them and might find a new favorite song, or band!

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    by Anonymous on 9/20/11Mercury Lounge - New York

    Opening acts were great and PBJ put on a really fun show!

  • Rating: 5 out of 5

    Great, fun show!!!

    by GGBEAM on 9/20/11Music Hall of Williamsburg - Brooklyn

    I love Peter Bjorn and John, even more since I saw them for the first time last year in NY. I was impressed by their ability to sing, dance, jump and being fun at the same time! This concert was just as good! I loved the songs they payed, I like that they tried also to create new "versions" of the oldest song, so they will sound different! My favorite moment was when John came down in the crowd and sang with us. There was a lot of good energy!

  • Rating: 3 out of 5

    Pulling for PB&J

    by WalksTop on 9/19/11Newport Music Hall - Columbus

    Let me start by saying I love Peter, Bjorn & John's music. However, I went with a large group of people to the concert, all of us very much looking forward to it, and we were all pretty disappointed with the outcome. I'm not sure why, but the venue wasn't crowded at all and that translated into low energy from the audience and from the band. I had a great time with my friends, but it had nothing to do with the show - unfortunately, it wasn't very memorable!